Cancer and Walking for Health
7 February 2013

Derbyshire Mind and Macmillan Cancer Support
Cancer and Walking for Health
New research from Macmillan shows the value of exercise for cancer survivors. Walking is a cheap way of exercising and, in groups, is enjoyable, relaxing and interesting. Macmillan offer cancer support, Derbyshire Mind’s project, Enjoying Derby sets up walking groups and delivers walk programmes.
Come and find out more
The Darwin Suite, Derby Assembly Rooms
Wednesday 10 April 2013 from 10am-3pm
For people who want to know more about cancer and people affected by cancer and how walking can help
Over 30 information stalls
Workshops – how to set up a walking group – how to set up a support group for people affected by cancer – crafts –massage – beauty treatments
Free entry, free activities and refreshments
To book a stall click here for a booking form or contact Caron Kirkham on 01332 345966 ext 4 email