Common Threads Project

19 February 2013

Common Threads WorkshopsCTpic

Common Threads is a NIACE Community Learning Innovation Fund pilot project being delivered by Derbyshire Mind’s Enjoying Derby and DerbyMuseums with the support of Derby Learning Trust.  Common Threads explores the history of New Communities in Derby with a series of history and textile workshops.

Walk around Duffield Castle

12 March

Meet outside the Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Derby at 1:00pm for a 1:15 start.

Walk around Duffield and visit DuffieldCastle.  We will use public transport to Duffield then set off into the countryside to explore the history of the area.

Free but please book as places are limited

Trig Point Charlie

18 March 1-3

DerbyMuseum and ArtGallery

In partnership with Derby Adult Learning Service

Are you interested in maps?  Come along to a talk by Alastair Clarke about the origins of trig points, what they are and why you might be interested!  This follows on from the Duffield Walk.

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900

The History of Derby’s New Communities

April 3 10:30-1:00

DerbyMuseum and ArtGallery

A history of the people of Derby with a short talk, guided tour around the Origins of Derby, a visit from a Derby Viking and a quiz – What did the Romans do for us?

Free but please book as places are limited


Do you speak English? 

April 12 12-1

DerbyMuseum and ArtGallery

Is it English or is it Latin, French, Norse, German with a bit of Indian and Malay thrown in?  A talk to explore how Derby’s New Communities over the centuries have influenced our everyday life including the language we call English.

Free but please book as places are limited


A Sense of Place

April 26

What is it about a place that makes it feel like home?  We explore the concept of home and belonging in a talk by Alastair Clarke at

DerbyMuseum and ArtGallery

In partnership with Derby Adult Learning Service

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900


Herbert Spencer

April 18

Herbert Spencer is one of the founders of Sociology in England.  Did you know he lived in Derby?  Find out more Mark Simnett  who will explain how he found out about Herbert Spencer.

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900


Polish Language Taster

Wednesday 8th May 4 till 6 and Wednesday 22nd May 4 till 6

Would you like to learn another language?  Try a Polish language Taster Session at Village Learning Store with Derby Adult Learning Service, Village Centre, Browning Street, DerbyDE23 8DN.

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900


Sundials and Fantastical Clock faces.

Pottery Workshops Friday 3, 10 and 17 May from 12.30 till 2.30 on all days.

In partnership with Derby Adult Learners Service as part of the Common Threads project.  Learn some basic pottery techniques and create a sundial or clock face.

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900


Portrait Painting

3 and 10 June at the Rycote Centre with Alexandra Cephali in partnership with Derby Adult Learning Service

Alexandra Koufali is a professional artist and an experienced tutor in drawing and painting with a focus on figurative art.

The participants on the workshops will learn the formulas regarding the structure and proportions of the head and face and the drawing elements of line, edges and tone. More importantly they will learn how to observe and perceive the particular of the features of the individual.

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900


Patchwork Team Challenge  A Stitch in Time Saves 9

RycoteCentre, Parker Street for 3 hour taster sessions over May, June and July.  In a team, race against the clock to make a patchwork quilt which will be auctioned for charity.

MAY Wed 8th – 9.30am till 12.30pm; Fri 24th 1pm till 4pm

JUNE: Wed 12th 9.30am till 12.30pm: Sat 22nd 10am till 1pm

JULY: Tues 9th 12.30am till 3.30pm:Fri 19th 10am till 1pm

Free but please book on Derby Adult Learning Service Learner Helpline on 01332 717900