Congratulations Siobhan

27 October 2015


Siobhan Dalton gave herself the challenge of doing a Skydive at 12,000 feet to raise money for her chosen charity Derbyshire Mind.

Despite a little concern over the weather leading up to the date, she successfully completed her challenge at Langar Airfield, Nottinghamshire on 26th October.

“I chose this charity as I feel that many people don’t think about mental health as much as other charitable causes, by doing this event I hope to increase awareness.

Please support me in my aim to raise as much money as I can for this Charity!”




WP_20151026_014Derbyshire Mind would like to say a huge thank you for her efforts and congratulations on an amazing achievement.



You can continue to support Siobhan by donating to Derbyshire Mind right up to the end of December.





Donations can be sent via the Derbyshire Mind ‘my donate’ page.