Enjoying Derby and Macmillan Raising Awareness about Cancer

4 April 2013

Next week we are hosting an event in partnership with Macmillan to raise awareness about cancer and to share Macmillan’s research on the efficacy of exercise as part of the treatment of cancer as well as being effective in reducing the risk of some cancers.  On a practical level we will be telling people how to set up support groups and walking groups.


The event is at the Darwin Suite next Wednesday from 10-3.  It’s a free event and people can just drop in.  We have a number of stalls including local and national walking groups, Macmillan services, alternative therapies and art workshops.  There are free refreshments, a treasure hunt and presentations in the morning and afternoon.  Although it can be a difficult subject, we are aiming to make the day interesting and relevant.


Obviously as a walking project we see how walking helps to improve physical and mental health of our participants.  We are aware that sometimes people with mental health problems don’t always think about other aspects to their health and consequently don’t know what support or services are out there.  So I would be really grateful if you pass on the attached flyer to anyone you think may benefit from attending.



Enjoying Derby Project