**Exciting news from Derbyshire Mind**

2 July 2015


Extension of the Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) service in Derbyshire


We are delighted to share the news that we are able to extend the specialist advocacy support provided by our IMHAs to informal in-patients in all mental health and learning disability units across Derbyshire.


This is thanks to extra funding and support from Derbyshire County Council and Hardwick CCG who recognise that patients who are in hospital on an informal basis can have the same need for specialist advocacy support and information about their rights and the care and treatment they are receiving whilst in hospital as detained patients.  Patients often move from detained to informal status during their time in hospital and this new development will ensure a continuity of service and equal access to an advocate for Derbyshire residents.


Any in-patient who has a home address within Derbyshire can be referred to Derbyshire Mind for IMHA support.


To make a referral to the service please contact:


01332 623732 or


Email: advocacy@derbyshiremind.org.uk