Press release: Derbyshire Mind wins the contract to deliver Independent Specialist Advocacy Services for Derbyshire residents as from 1st April 2016

14 October 2015


Derbyshire Mind is delighted to announce that we have been selected as the provider to deliver Independent Specialist Advocacy Services for Derbyshire residents as from 1st April 2016.


This news means that we can continue to provide Independent Mental Capacity Act (IMCA) and Independent Mental Health Act (IMHA) Advocacy Services on behalf of Derbyshire County Council.


We also continue to offer specialist advocacy support to informal in-patients in all mental health and learning disability units across Derbyshire.


In addition, as from 1st April 2016, Derbyshire Mind will take over the responsibility for the Independent Complaints Advocacy service for people who wish to make a complaint about their NHS care or treatment, including any complaint against an organisation or service where the treatment is funded by the NHS.


Wendy Beer – Chief Executive of Derbyshire Mind says “Derbyshire Mind has a proven track record in the delivery of excellent specialist advocacy services. I am proud that we have the opportunity to take this work forward over the next 5 years, ensuring Derbyshire residents receive the very best in specialist advocacy support”