Recovering & Running with a message to carry

18 May 2017

Please support Amaris Alice Nerys in her amazing efforts to raise Mental Health Awareness. 

She has decided to take part in a staggering year long schedule of events in aid of her chosen charity Derbyshire Mind.







Events list:

May 13th: Coventry Parkrun (on the 07.17 train from burton)
May 28th: Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon
July 1st: Black Country Half Marathon
July 16th: Brooksie’s Bash 
August 7th – September 3rd: Watch this Space! Might be a local ‘run with me’ virtual event.
September 24th: Berlin Marathon
October 2nd – October 29th: Watch this space, still working it out!!
November 11th: Shakespeare Raceways Marathon
November 30th: St Andrew’s Day Marathon (also my belly button day)
December 31st – Jan 1st: Liverbird Double Marathon
January 28th: Wilmot Wanderer 32 miler (TBC)
March 3rd: Groundhog Track Marathon
April 15th: Brighton Marathon


You can donate here