Volunteer Opportunity: MindSpace Walk Leader and Volunteer Team Coordinator (Chesterfield)
16 May 2024

Could you be a Volunteer MindSpace Walk leader and Team Coordinator?
“Friendly, Welcoming, Great listener” – Are they words people often use to describe you?
Do you live in Chesterfield? Are you passionate about helping people?
Could you help to lead our friendly and informal MindSpace group on a Thursday Morning in Chesterfield?
Are you organised, work well in a team and feel confident to take the lead?
Would you love to be part of our growing Derbyshire Mind Volunteers Network?
We are expanding our MindSpace network of Community Volunteers so if you are a reliable and friendly person who is passionate about supporting their community and is interested in helping to lead a local walk with Derbyshire Mind then we would really love to hear from you!
As a valued Derbyshire Mind volunteer, we would provide you with all the necessary training and support to lead the MindSpace walk together with our other Walk Leader volunteers, and help you to make a real difference to people in your local community experiencing mental health challenges.
The Role
Roles: Community Volunteer – MindSpace Walk Leader, MindSpace Walk Leader and Volunteer Team Coordinator
Hours: Minimum 1 walk per month, plus additional ad hoc rota coordination from home
Salary: Volunteer role with expenses paid
Location: Queen’s Park, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 2ND
Closing Date: Post open until we fill all 4 volunteer roles
Potential Training date: TBC
Number of Roles Available: 4 volunteers
These MindSpace Walk and Talk groups will take place on Thursday Mornings, fortnightly, at Queen’s Park. We are therefore looking for volunteers to be available on alternate Thursday Mornings from 10.15am till 12pm. If we successfully recruit 4 volunteers, then you will be on the Rota at least once a month.
About MindSpace:
We know that spending time in green space such as going for a stroll in a local park with a friendly and understanding group of people can really benefit both mental and physical wellbeing.
Derbyshire Mind’s MindSpace walks are informal community walk and talks in local parks and cafes. They are designed to provide a supportive and empathetic listening group to those that may need it, while benefiting from getting out of the house and into the fresh air and abundant nature we have around us. MindSpace is a non-judgemental safe space for attendees to talk about their mental wellbeing struggles or experiences with our caring and empathetic volunteers.
The walks are not vigorous walks, more a relaxed pace whilst we walk, talk and listen. The walk leaders ensure that every participant is asked how they are and how they are feeling. We make sure that all participants at MindSpace have the opportunity to express their feelings and don’t go away feeling unheard. Although the group is informal and flexible to suit the needs of the group, there sometimes will be some difficult or emotional conversations.
Main Purpose of the Role:
The main purpose of the MindSpace Walk Leader and Volunteer Team Coordinator role is to facilitate the welcoming feel and overall success of Derbyshire Mind’s MindSpace walks in Derby, Markeaton Park, by:
- providing a warm, friendly and non-judgemental presence in the group
- initiating a relaxed walk around the local park always together with a second fellow MindSpace volunteer
- supporting group attendees by being a good listener and a generally a friendly person to chat with
- checking in with all attendees of the group and asking them how they are doing
- Being the point of contact for all other Walk Leaders, including coordination of the volunteer rota
- Proactively seeking support from the Mental Wellbeing Services Coordinator if any problems or issues occur with the group, walk, or rota.
- Contacting the Mental Wellbeing Services Coordinator by phone call or text after each walk to let them know how it went
- and by being a positive ambassador for Derbyshire Mind
For the full list of responsibilities, please read the role description
How to Apply:
Application Instructions:
Please read through the Volunteer Role Description included in the below links
If you would like to apply for the role please complete a Volunteer Application Form
Have any Questions?
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this MindSpace Walk Leader role with us, please contact Lucy Brierley, Mental Wellbeing Services Coordinator, by emailing community@derbyshiremind.org.uk and we can arrange a time for a phone call.
Invitation for Informal Interview Email:
You will be notified by Email if you have been shortlisted for our MindSpace taster session and informal chat.
Please look out for an email from us.
Informal Interview Date:
We will be hosting a MindSpace taster session, date to be confirmed, where you will be able to find out more about the role, ask questions and get to know more about Derbyshire Mind. We will also be able to get to know you and other potential volunteers better and it will be a fantastic opportunity to get a feel for the MindSpace Walk Leader role as we take a wonder around Queen’s Park together.
This Volunteer role is subject to a criminal records check with the Disclosure and Barring Service, and two references. Derbyshire Mind aims to be an Equal Opportunities Employer.
About Derbyshire Mind:
Derbyshire Mind is a local independent mental health charity within the national Mind network. Our focus is on improving mental health and wellbeing for people across Derby and Derbyshire. We provide a range of advocacy and community mental wellbeing services designed to support people with mental health problems as well as the wider population. We have over 50 years’ experience of working locally, supporting people in Derby and Derbyshire to maintain good mental health.
Derbyshire Mind’s Vision: For everyone in Derbyshire to have good mental wellbeing and to live their best life.
Derbyshire Mind’s Values:
Working Together: We work alongside others for the greater good
Learning Together: We always aim to do things better
Empowering: We support people to fulfil their potential
Respectful: We don’t judge, we treat others as equals
Positive: We are progressive and focus on solutions